EndNote Basic is available for free to everyone.
EndNote Basic is the free web version of EndNote. It lacks the sophisticated features of the desktop version of EndNote, but it is easy to use and available on any computer with internet access. EndNote Basic is most useful for:
Collecting and organizing references
Users can add up to 50,000 references with an EndNote basic account
Import references from databases and library catalogs, or capture bibliographic information from websites
Create groups for reference organization
Working collaboratively
Share groups with other EndNote Basic users
Choose level of access that colleagues have to your shared groups
Inserting citations into documents and creating bibliographies
Insert citations into Word documents
Bibliography automatically created when you insert citations
Create independent bibliography for grant reports, CVs, etc.
Limited number of bibliographic styles available (21)
Store up to 2GB of file attachments
Working on any computer
EndNote Basic is a web-based program, which means you can access your account from any computer with internet access