Add your questions to the Curriculum Resources Parking Lot, and the librarians will respond.
Curious about the student view in Case Files: Teaching Cases? The video below provides some information about this, or you can also contact us for more assistance.
Medical textbooks in basic and clinical sciences including Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine.
Learn more about using AccessMedicine with our short video!
Also includes multimedia, Diagnosaurus differential diagnosis tool, practice guidelines, diagnostic tests, evidence-based outlines of conditions and disorders, self-assessment, patient education, integrated drug database, photos and illustrations, and cases.
VisualDx offers case studies in partnership with NEJM. They consist of a series of questions, and the answers are then shown to users. No faculty tools are included; faculty are not able to assign cases within the platform. Students could build their differential diagnosis within Dx and then share with faculty. CLICK HERE learn more about using Case Studies for teaching.
Tips for searching for cases in McGraw Hill databases (AccessMedicine, Case Files Collection).
Browse cases by topic:
Or, search for a case by keyword and then use the filters on the left side of the screen to filter by Format to Cases.
Click Expand the available results to see cases across all available McGraw Hill products.
Be sure to cite all materials you use to develop cases and follow copyright and fair use guidelines.
See the Faculty Resources Training guide for copyright information for each subscription resource.
We recommend that you link to a case in Canvas and then add your own additional questions in Canvas to fit the case to your specific teaching needs.
See the Copyright in Teaching guide for more detailed information about copyright.