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Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Resources for biostatistics and epidemiology

Select ebooks on biostats and epidemiology

Ebook Databases

Search for Books and Ebooks through OneSearch


You can search for books and ebooks by title or subject using the library catalog called OneSearch.

OneSearch is the main search box on the home page of the Medical Library website. It searches most of the library subscriptions in one place. It's the best place to do a comprehensive search of all the books and ebooks we have access to.


Enter a book title to search for a specific book. To search for books on a topic, enter keywords and filter the results on the left by Resource Type and select Books.

Ebook Licenses

Some ebooks are licensed for unlimited use, meaning that an unlimited number of Belmont users can access them at one time. This includes all titles in AccessMedicine and Clinicalkey. Other ebook have limited use licenses. For example, most ebooks available through the R2 Digital Library have a single user license, meaning that only one Belmont user can access them at a time. If you're unsure of the license, please ask the librarians.