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UpToDate Login


With UptoDate Account

Logging in With a Personal Account

1. Access the UptoDate database.

2. Click on the "Sign In" button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

3. Use the button that says "Sign in with Open Athens."

4. If/When prompted, select the top option "Use your myBelmont account."

5. You will be logged into a generic account and will need to sign in to your UptoDate personal account in order to sync the two.

6. To sign into your personal account, click on the drop-down menu associate with Belmont University User in the upper right-hand corner.

8. Click on "My Account."

9. You will be prompted to create a personal account. Even though you have a personal account, click on "Click here to register." 

10. Do not fill out the form. Instead, click on the link that says "sign in" above the registration form.

10. Use the top login to enter your username. Next, enter your password. 

11. You are now logged into your personal account. The next time you access UptoDate, login using the OpenAthens sign in button and you will be automatically logged in to your personal account. 

Without UptoDate Account

Logging in Without a Personal Account

1. Access the UptoDate database.

2. Click on the "Sign In" button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

3. Use the button that says "Sign in with Open Athens."

4. If/When prompted, select the top option "Use your myBelmont account."

5. You will be logged into a generic account that will allow you to use OpenAthens.

6. You can create a personal account to save or bookmark content you want to revisit later. This is not required, but may be useful to you. 

7. To create a personal account, click on the drop-down menu associated with Belmont University User in the upper right-hand corner.

8. Click on "My Account."

9. You will be prompted to create a personal account. 

10. Complete the short form using your Belmont email address

11. You are now logged into your personal account. The next time you access UptoDate, login using the OpenAthens sign in button and you will be automatically logged in to your personal account.