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Citing Sources

This guide will assist you with citing sources in your papers in AMA, APA, or Vancouver/NLM Styles.

In-Text References

General information

  • A number is allocated to a source in the order in which it is cited in the text.
  • If the source is referred to again, the same number is used.
  • Use Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.).
  • Brackets: stay consistent. Either square [ ] or curved ( ) brackets can be used.

When using direct quotes

  • Typically, do not use page numbers with the citation number
  • If page numbers are needed, include after the citation number (1 p68)
  • Direct quotes of 40+ words require a block quote. Block quotes should be indented 1/2" rather than utilizing quotation marks.

When using multiple references at once

  • List each citation number separated by a comma (1,3,5) with no spaces between numbers
  • A dash can be used for a sequence of citations (1,3,5-8,10)

Reference List and Bibligraphy Guidance

General Information

Both a bibliography and a reference list can be included in one document.

Reference List

  • All sources cited in your document should be listed in your Reference list.
  • List references in numerical order (as cited) instead of alphabetical order.


  • All sources that you do not cite, but that inspired, informed, or influenced your work should be listed in a Bibliography.
  • This may include items like suggested readings.
  • Entries in a bibliography should be formatted like entries in a reference list.