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Keeping Current with the Literature

How to keep up with medical literature without getting overwhelmed


What is BrowZine?

BrowZine brings recent issues of scholarly journals to your tablet, mobile device, or computer for browsing and reading. BrowZine is for current awareness and browsing, not focused research or searching. It brings journal content together from multiple publishers and platforms into a single place, where you can save your favorite journals, view the tables of contents, and read or save articles as new issues are released. This is a unique library service and we are excited for you to try it!

What isn't BrowZine?

BrowZine is not designed for in-depth research or searching. For that, we recommend our library catalog, OneSearch, or our subscription databases.

Who is it for?

People who want to stay current on articles being published in their field - faculty, researchers, graduate students, administrators and anyone else with favorite journals they want to keep up-to-date with.

How do I get BrowZine? What devices are supported?

BrowZine is available for Android and iOS mobile devices. By far the easiest way to do this is to enter the App Store on your device and then search for 'browzine'. The app is free to download. Make sure to choose "Belmont University" from the list of libraries so that you have access to the journals that we subscribe to. You can also use this link to download Browzine: BrowZine is available for laptop or desktop computers, and you can sync between the mobile and desktop versions using your BrowZine account.

Will it work off campus?

Yes! Once you have entered your Belmont credentials, BrowZine should work anywhere you have internet access. If you run into problems, please contact us.

Why aren't certain journals included?

BrowZine is adding publishers on a regular basis. To be notified about new additions, you can sign up for the BrowZine newsletter (sign up at the bottom of the page). 

Where are the back issues?

BrowZine is a tool to access current journal content. To search for specific articles or access older content, please use one of our other access options, such as the eJournal search for specific journals or articles, or one of our databases or OneSearch for articles.

How can I get help or find more information?

Contact the Medical Library for help getting or using BrowZine. Also, an extensive list of questions and answers is available on the BrowZine support site.

Will BrowZine work without an internet connection?

Articles that have been saved will be available in the Saved Articles area and can be read off-line, but other features will not work.

Can articles be printed?

BrowZine does not offer a printing function, but articles can be opened in other apps to allow printing, like Dropbox or iBooks. Use the icon in the upper right hand corner to open an article in a different app. The apps that are available will depend on what you have installed on your device.

Will links to other articles from the bibliographies or footnotes work?

Links in articles should work, if the Medical Library or Belmont Libraries have a subscription to the article being linked to. If you run into problems, please contact us.

Selecting Journals

To search for available journals, select 'BrowZine Library' in the black bar at the bottom of the app window. Journals can be searched for by title or browsed by subject area. Click on the title to be taken to the current issue of that title.

To save your favorite journals to the BrowZine Bookshelf, select the yellow 'Add to My Bookshelf' button when viewing the Table of Contents of a journal. Also in the Table of Contents view, selecting 'Show Journal in Library' will display the journal on a virtual bookshelf along with other titles in the same subject area. To view the Table of Contents for older issues of a journal select the 'Back Issues' button.

Saving Articles

To read an article select a title from the Table of Contents. Articles can be saved by tapping the fiilng drawer icon in the Table of Contents view, or by selecting 'Save Article' in the 'Send to...' menu in the article view.

The filing drawer icon will be highlighted yellow if an article is saved, and they can be accessed by selecting 'Saved Articles' in the black bar at the bottom of the app window. Once an article is open, you can browse the issue by using the arrows in the top right to move forward to the next article or backwards to the previous one.